Building AWright18.PipeTo
Tools Used
- Paket - Paket is used to manage and restore the packages required to build the solution.
- FAKE - Fake is the build tool. build.fsx is the build script
- GitVersion - This is used to help with SemVer versioning
- Xunit - The unit tests are built and ran using XUnit
- FubuCsProj - used to add classes to the AWright18.PipeTo.csproj
Basic Project Structure
- AWright18.PipeTo - The library that gets built and packaged up.
- AWright18.PipeTo.CodeGenerator - This library generates the extension methods that are added to AWright18.PipeTo. It just uses C# to create the classes used in AWright18.PipeTo to ensure the correct PipeTo extension methods get created.
- AWright18.PipeTo.Tests - This is the unit test library that verifies all the of the PipeTo methods work as expected.
Running a Build
You can simply execute the ci_build.bat. This will do a number of things.
- build the AWright18.PipeTo.CodeGenerator.
- execute the AWright18.PipTo.CodeGenerator which creates the necessary files for AWright18.PipeTo
- build AWright18.PipeTo
- build AWright18.PipeTo.Tests
- Run unit Tests
- Create the Nuget Package
All the artifacts for the build including the nuget packages are ouptut to the artifacts directory.